Category: Windows 10

Update History

How to uninstall Windows 10 1909

Microsoft released the second feature update to Windows 10 of 2019, called Windows 10 1909 or the November 2019 update recently. Unlike previous feature update releases, this update is a...

Windows 10 1909

Windows 10 November 2019 update now available

After spending a month and more in testing, Microsoft finally released the second major update to Windows 10 this year, called Windows 10 November 2019 update to the public yesterday. ...

Windows 10 version 1909

Everything about Windows 10 version 1909

With Windows 10, which released in 2015, Microsoft introduced Windows-as-a-service, where instead of releasing a big new release after 2 years, Windows would be continually refined with Feature updates every...

How to update to Windows 10 May 2019 update

Windows 10 May 2019 update is the newest feature update to Windows 10, which is available for all the versions of Windows 10 starting May 2019. The primary method of...

Windows 10 May 2019 update now available

Last month, Microsoft announced the next feature update to Windows 10, called the May 2019 update. Microsoft promised that the update would be thoroughly tested this time, and would be...