
How to uninstall Windows 10 version 2004

Microsoft announced Windows 10 version 2004, yesterday. It is the first major release of Windows in 2020, marketed with the name of Windows 10 May 2020 update. As it is...


What is new in Windows 10 May 2020 update

Windows 10 May 2020 update is the next update to Windows 10, scheduled to release in May 2020(tentative date). This is the first major update since version 1903, released in May...


Camera not working in Windows 10

With the recent developments around the world, the world is moving more and more towards digital technologies. Teams, Zoom are quite common examples. For this software, you need a camera...

Tech support scam popup

Everything about Tech support scam

Tech support scam is a sort of fraud activity, either through a phone call or a fake popup arising into your computer automatically where a scammer offers the computer user...


Troubleshoot Minecraft issues on Windows 10

Minecraft is a popular game from Mojang Corporation. While a majority of people play Java version of Minecraft, there are people who have switched over to Windows 10 UWP app...

Feb 2020 patch

[Fix] User profile issues after installing Feb patches

Microsoft released updates for all supported versions of Windows 10 last Tuesday i.e. Patch Tuesday updates.  KB4532693 was released for Windows 10 version 1903 and 1909 and  KB4532691 was released...

Search bar

Windows 10 Search bar is showing blank screen

From today, a number of Windows Customers are reporting Windows Search bar being blank when clicked. As there was no update released today, it looks like it is more of...

Edge legacy 1

How to keep Microsoft Edge legacy with new Microsoft Edge

Microsoft has released the next version of Microsoft Edge to the public on 15th January 2020. A separate installer has been made available for downloading and Installation. The update would...